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New Footage of ARMS Reveals a June 16 Release

Home > New Footage of ARMS Reveals a June 16 Release

Originally published on Nintendo Castle.

ARMS 4 Player

During today's Nintendo Direct we got a few new details about the upcoming fighting game ARMS. New fighter Min Min was shown off in detail fighting against Spring Man. Min Min has a dragon arm that can charge a lazer attack and Spring Man gets a special boost when he drops low in health. Most importantly, we also got a release date. ARMS will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch on June 16, 2017.

Weapons in the game come in various classes. Some of these classes include Glove Type, Curve Type, Multi-Shot Type, Heavy Type, and Wind Type. Each weapon will also have a specal elemental based attribute that include the types Fire, Electric, Ice, Explosion, Stun, Blind, and Wind. Additionally, it was revealed that you'll be able to play in 2 vs. 2 four player battles alongside the standard 1 vs. 1 battles. Stay tuned for more information on ARMS and the Nintendo Switch.

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