Post Date: 7/2/2017 6:01:03 PM

One of the games I had the pleasure of demo-ing for an extended period of time on the E3 showfloor was Raiders of the Broken Planet. The game comes from the development team MercurySteam, whom you might recognize them as the team responsible for the upcoming Metroid Samus Return remake. The game is a 4 vs 1 asymmetric shooter that is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC later this year. I was able to play the Xbox One versi...
Post Date: 6/25/2017 7:56:55 AM

I first heard of A Hat in Time back in 2013 when they launched their Kickstarter. I even included it in an article on Nintendo Castle when it was still planned for release on Wii U. This was two years before Yooka-Laylee launched their Kickstarter, so the idea of a modern day retro-inspired collect-a-thon was especially exciting. Since 2013 (the year the game was originally slated for release) the only news I’ve h...
Post Date: 6/21/2017 10:05:38 PM

Most people were quite surprised when Bandai Namco revealed their latest game at Microsoft's E3 2017 press conference. Dragon Ball FighterZ is the newest addition to the anime-fighter and Dragon Ball worlds. The game is co-developed by Arc System Works, a well known name in anime fighters, and pits characters from the Dragon Ball universe against each other in epic battles. The game will be coming to Xbox One, PS4, and ...
Post Date: 6/21/2017 8:25:31 PM

Hunting Simulator is exactly what the name implies, a simulator for hunting. It runs on Unreal Engine 4 and features several aspects that make it feel more lifelike. The graphics are not too shabby either and worked very well for the game. My time with it at E3 2017 was both fun and challenging, which is what I expect in a game. To start off, I didn’t have a presenter when I initially sat down to play the game. I...
Post Date: 6/20/2017 1:26:20 PM

On my flight to LA for E3 2017, I sat next to a nice fellow in the back of the plane. I didn’t really think much of it, but I assumed he was likely going to E3 as well. The flight was quiet and we didn’t really talk much at all. Let’s fast forward to Wednesday night after the show floor had closed; there was an event called The Mix going on at a rooftop in downtown Los Angeles. The Mix is a yearly indi...
Post Date: 6/18/2017 1:38:18 AM

E3 2017 is done and over with, but coverage from the event is likely to continue for a while with all of the interviews and presentations that happen behind closed doors. Our sister site, Concealed Gaming, had the chance to try out Circle of Saviors at the show. The game presenters revealed their inspirations behind some of the aspects of the game. The grass seen in the screenshot above was inspired by Breath of the Wi...
Post Date: 6/15/2017 1:19:23 PM

During Sony's E3 2017 press conference, we got a first look at an upcoming Monster Hunter expirience on consoles. The game will be coming coming to PS4 and Xbox One sometime in early 2018. A PC release will happen shortly after the game is out on consoles. Monster Hunter: World will push the limits of what a Monster Hunter game can do, especially considering the game is usually found on portable consoles. This comes sh...
Post Date: 6/15/2017 1:02:42 PM

Slightly Mad Studios has returned with the follow up of Project Cars. For those unfamiliar, the first game was talked up to be the best racing simulator yet, but upon release, it was plagued with bugs, glitches, and questionable physics. With this sequel, they're looking to right their wrongs. For starters, the tire model is completely redone. This time around, the sidewalls flex and bend, and supposedly the overall ch...
Post Date: 6/14/2017 6:07:40 PM

E3 is all about showcasing the latest and greatest games, while trying to utilize the latest hardware. Natsume has done exactly this by bringing Wild Guns Reloaded to Steam, and Harvest Moon to the Switch and PS4. I had the chance to sit down and try out their games starting with the two new River Cities; River City: Rival Showdown and River City: Knights of Justice. River City: Knights of Justice is intriguing, ...
Post Date: 6/14/2017 10:22:25 AM

If there's one thing people will never tire of, it's super-heroes. This year, Insomniac Games showed off some gameplay footage of their upcoming game, SpiderMan. After watching the footage, it's easy to say that this promises to not only be the best SpiderMan game yet, but possibly the best super-hero game ever. It's large, the world is open, you can sling webs nearly wherever you want in a highly populated city,...
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E3 2017 has concluded with 68,400 people having attended. This is up dramatically due to the influx in public badges this year. There were 15,000 public badges sold. For the first time, the public was allowed to try out the new games normally only shown to media and industry members during the expo.