Home > Label: Pokemon Sun and Moon
Post Date: 9/25/2017 10:53:20 PM
![New Event Lets Players Choose Pikachu's Hat in Sun and Moon](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/event_ashs-pikachu.jpg)
Players of Pokemon Sun and Moon have an opportunity to get an Ash's Pikachu via a special Wi-fi event. This exclusive Pikachu will be wearing a hat that showcases the region and era it's from. There are a total of six different hats, but players can only grab one of the six per copy of the game they own. Which hat the Pikachu is sporting will be determined by when the code is redeemed. You can check out the six hats, th...
Post Date: 7/23/2017 2:36:56 PM
![Get a Shiny Tapu Koko from Nintendo Network Until August 14](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/2017_shiny-tapu-koko.jpg)
The Pokémon Comapany recently announced a new event for Pokemon Sun and Moon versions. Anyone with an internet connection can hop on the Nintendo Network and pick up a Shiny Tapu Koko. Tapu Koko is a difficult Pokemon to obtain in the first place (check out our Legendary Pokemon guide for details), so a Shiny Tapu Koko is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The Shiny Tapu Koko will be Lv. 60 with the ability Electr...
Post Date: 6/6/2017 8:02:50 PM
![Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Announced for 3DS](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/ultra-sun-moon_reveal.jpg)
In a Pokémon Direct earlier today, two new main series Pokémon games for Nintendo 3DS were announced. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be releasing globally on November 17, 2017. The games were described as enhanced versions of last year's Pokemon Sun and Moon versions. They apparently will take place in an alternate universe and will feature a number of new Pokémon. Nothing else is known about...
Post Date: 4/15/2017 11:51:58 AM
![Four New Mega Stones are Available in Pokemon Sun and Moon](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/event_mega-stones-april.jpg)
A new event that will net you four more Mega Stones in Pokemon Sun and Moon has just been announced. The four stones are Mawilite (Mega Mawile), Beedrillite (Mega Beedrill), Audinite (Mega Audino), and Medichamite (Mega Medicham). To get the these four stones, you'll need to go to the main menu (Sun & Moon only) select "Mystery Gift", "Receive Gift", and "Get with Code/Password". The Password for this event is INTI...
Post Date: 3/15/2017 2:07:54 PM
![Get a Pair of Mega Stones for Mewtwo in Pokemon Sun and Moon](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/event_mega-mewtwo-stones.jpg)
The Pokemon Company has announced a new event for Pokemon Sun and Moon Versions. You'll now be able to obtain the mega stones Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y in the latest iterations of Pokemon. Because items cannot be transferred through Pokemon bank, this was not previously possible. These stones will allow you to evolve Mewtwo (who must be transferred from previous games) into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y. Instructio...
Post Date: 1/25/2017 9:52:22 AM
![Pokemon Bank Adds Support for Sun and Moon Versions](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/pokemon-bank.jpg)
The long awaited support for Pokemon Sun & Moon versions on Pokemon Bank is finally here. Starting today, you'll be able to transfer Pokémon from Pokemon Bank directly into Pokemon Sun and Moon. This means that any Pokemon caught since Ruby and Sapphire are now able to be transferred to seventh generation games, albeit a complicated process. You can even transfer from generation one games, but only the digita...
Post Date: 12/7/2016 5:44:00 PM
![Get a Magearna in Sun and Moon with this QR Code](//pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/event_magearna2016.jpg)
The new mythical Pokemon Magearna is now available as a free distribution to anyone who has completed either Pokemon Sun or Moon version. The Pokemon will be level 50 and will be holding a Battle Cap. It will know the moves Flash Cannon, Lucky Chant, Helping Hand, and Fleur Cannon. After becoming the Pokemon League Champion, simply scan the QR code to get the Magearna. This is a permanent distribution. Check out the det...
Post Date: 11/25/2016 6:40:00 PM
![New Pokemon Sun and Moon Walkthrough Online](http://www.pokeballinsider.com/images/sun-moon/logo.jpg)
Pokemon Sun and Moon released a week ago to much success. We have played through the games and our Pokemon Sun and Moon Walkthrough has gone live! It takes the player through the main objectives in the game and we have guides for most of the rest as well. So be sure to check us out if you need help with things such as the Zygarde Cells or Z-Crystals! Or maybe our Legendary Pokemon guide is what you need?
Post Date: 10/27/2016 12:18:00 PM
![Fantastic Sun & Moon Trailer Shows Off Final Evolutions of Starters](http://www.pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/sun-moon_final-evolutions.jpg)
Another week, another Sun & Moon trailer. This time, the final starter evolutions that were previously leaked on multiple occasions have been officially revealed. Decidueye is a Grass/Ghost type, Incineroar is a Fire/Dark type, and Primarina is a Water/Fairy type. Three other guardians of Alolan islands to accompany Tapu Koko were shown: Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini. Other new Pokemon include the Psychic type...
Post Date: 10/18/2016 1:12:00 PM
![Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Footage and First Impressions](http://www.pokeballinsider.com/images/sun-moon/logo.jpg)
The free demo for Pokemon Sun & Moon is now available and ready to be downloaded from the 3DS eShop. The demo will give you a brief introduction of the Alolan region and allows you to explore a number of new features. The download is pretty hefty at 3058 blocks, but most SD cards should be able to handle it. We've played through the demo and recorded a walkthrough of it that you can catch after the break. Also inclu...
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