Home > Get a Free Level 100 Xerneas or Yveltal from Gamestop Until May 27
Originally published on Pokeball Insider.

Each month in 2018 until November, Nintendo is distributing free Legendary Pokemon to fans. For May, these Pokémon are Xerneas and Yveltal. Codes for these Legendary Pokemon will be distributed at Gamestop locations in the U.S. from May 4 to May 27. Which of the legendary Pokemon you'll get will be determined by which version of Pokémon you redeem the code in.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun version:
Legendary: Yveltal
Level: 100
Ability: Dark Aura
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Tailwind
In Pokémon Sun version:
Legendary: Yveltal
Level: 60
Ability: Dark Aura
Held Item: None
Moves: Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse, Phantom Force, Psychic
In Pokémon Ultra Moon version:
Legendary: Xerneas
Level: 100
Ability: Fairy Aura
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Geomancy, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Moonblast
In Pokémon Moon version:
Legendary: Xerneas
Level: 60
Ability: Pressure
Held Item: None
Moves: Geomancy, Horn Leech, Night Slash, Moonblast
To redeem your code, follow the instructions below:
- Select "Mystery Gift" from the main menu
- Select "Receive Gift"
- Select "Get with Code/Password"
- Enter the code
- Speak to a delivery person in any Pokémon Center
- Make sure to save your game