Home > Get a Free Level 100 Kyogre or Groudon from Gamestop Until August 26
Originally published on Pokeball Insider.

Every month in 2018 brings a new Legendary Pokemon distribution. In August, these Pokémon are Kyogre and Groudon. Codes for these Legendary Pokemon will be distributed at Gamestop locations in the U.S. from August 3 to August 26. Which of the legendary Pokemon you'll get will be determined by which version of Pokémon you redeem the code in.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun version:
Legendary: Kyogre
Level: 100
Ability: Drizzle
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Origin Pulse, Ice Beam, Water Spout, Calm Mind
In Pokémon Sun version:
Legendary: Kyogre
Level: 60
Ability: Drizzle
Held Item: None
Moves: Ice Beam, Origin Pulse, Calm Mind, Muddy Water
In Pokémon Ultra Moon version:
Legendary: Groudon
Level: 100
Ability: Drought
Held Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Moves: Precipice Blades, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Swords Dance
In Pokémon Moon version:
Legendary: Groudon
Level: 60
Ability: Drought
Held Item: None
Moves: Earthquake, Precipice Blades, Bulk Up, Solar Beam
To redeem your code, follow the instructions below:
- Select "Mystery Gift" from the main menu
- Select "Receive Gift"
- Select "Get with Code/Password"
- Enter the code
- Speak to a delivery person in any Pokémon Center
- Make sure to save your game