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Sephiroth from Final Fantasy is Coming to Smash Ultimate

Home > Sephiroth from Final Fantasy is Coming to Smash Ultimate

Originally published on Nintendo Castle.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Sephiroth

Another fan favorite Final Fantasy character will officially be a member of the Smash Bros. roster. Sephiroth joins Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 as the next Smash Ultimate DLC Fighter. He can be purchased for $5.99 as part of Challenge Pack 8 or comes bundled with Min Min and Steve along with other unannounced fighters in Fighters Pass Vol. 2. He will be available starting December 22, 2020.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Sephiroth

For those unfamiliar with Final Fantasy VII, Cloud is the main protagonist while Sephiroth is the primary antagonist of the game. This means that Sephiroth joins the growing roster of "bad guys" in Smash Ultimate.

Compared to Cloud, who is short and heavy, Sephiroth will be tall and light. His attacks don't pack quite the punch but they are faster and his sword, Masamune, has incredible range. In addition to his lengthy sword, Sephiroth will make use of various magic spells from the Final Fantasy series in his moveset.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Sephiroth

Releasing alongside Sephiroth is a brand new stage in Smash Ultimate. Northern Cave, the location of the final battle with Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII, is the setting for this new stage. Featured on this stage are the iconic Highwind airship and the all-powerful summons Meteor and Holy.

The release of Sephiroth also comes with new Final Fantasy music, with nine new trakcs being added to Smash Ultimate's growing soundtrack. This makes a total of eleven Final Fantasy tracks in the game.

If you are interested in learning more about Sephiroth's moveset and features, check out Sakurai's full presentation of the character below. Remember he launches on December 22, 2020 and stay tuned for more information on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and upcoming fighters.

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