Home > Four New Mega Stones are Available in Pokemon Sun and Moon
Originally published on Pokeball Insider.
![Sun Moon Mega Stones](http://pokeballinsider.com/images/articles/event_mega-stones-april.jpg)
A new event that will net you four more Mega Stones in Pokemon Sun and Moon has just been announced. The four stones are Mawilite (Mega Mawile), Beedrillite (Mega Beedrill), Audinite (Mega Audino), and Medichamite (Mega Medicham).
To get the these four stones, you'll need to go to the main menu (Sun & Moon only) select "Mystery Gift", "Receive Gift", and "Get with Code/Password". The Password for this event is INTIMIDATE
. Once you've done this, you can pick up the four stones from the delivery person at any Pokémon Center. Enjoy your new stones, because this is currently the only way to get these stones in Sun and Moon versions!